The Bibliophile Chronicles: Mostly A Literary Blog

Home » About Francis and This Blog

About Francis and This Blog

539012_3596853969747_982405294_nABOUT THE BLOG AND THE BLOGGER:

The Bibliophile Chronicles is a book and writing blog by Mr. Francis Martin Beltran Baraan IV, Chairman and CEO of Baraan Group, a group of companies in the Philippines with business interests in real estate, construction, lending, retail, and mining. This blog is all about a CEO’s quest for the truth, meaning, purpose, and his love affair with books and writing.

Francis is a bibliophile who has read several hundreds of books, and counting. He has more than two thousand books in his collection stored in his small library at the Yellow House, his family’s seat in Dagupan City. This blog shares his journey to knowledge, his reviews on the books he has read, his thoughts and feelings regarding certain subjects, his opinions on some controversial social, religious, business, and political issues, and some of his tried and tested treatments on writing, reading, and learning. This blog shall also include some of his short stories (feeble attempts at being a short story writer hoping an editor at The New Yorker, the New York Post, or the Paris Review might notice and give him a column there).

He is currently writing his ambitious first novel (no title yet), and wishes to write his memoirs after he finishes the first draft. Agents, publishers, readers, followers, secret admirers,  fans, and haters, may reach him at If you’re an agent or a publisher who wishes to represent him and buy the rights to his yet untitled, unfinished book, he shall get back to you at the soonest possible time. If you’re a reader, a follower, a secret admirer, or a fan, or all of the above, he says thank you, and he loves you, too, and he shall get back to you after he gets back to the agents and publishers who wish to sign him. If you’re hater, he hates you, too, but he says to tell you this: “I’ll make you love me” in a singsong fashion. Nah, he’s just kidding. He told me to tell you to go to hell.

He lives in the Philippines as a semi-hermit, and conducts his business by correspondences with his staff through email, Skype, and Monday face-to-face meetings. He does not live with his partner yet, but hopes to do that soon after he realizes that Bradley Cooper, Piolo Pascual, and Heart Evangelista are way out of his league (which he never will).


Disclaimer No. 1: His shrink diagnosed him with bipolar disorder. Some of his writings will reflect his symptoms–racing thoughts, psychosis and paranoia, delusions of grandeur, spending sprees, depression, suicidal thoughts, uncharacteristic euphoric feelings, irritability, impulsiveness, Torret’s-like, unfiltered, radical, and biased, and often politically incorrect opinions, and obsessive-compulsive behavior. He thinks his shrink is just jealous of him because he is a true artist–a misundertood writer of such extraordinary caliber whose creative processes and thinking are mistaken for manic-depression. He sometimes just tells his shrink to go fuck herself in his mind because he fears throwing harsh expletives at her might be grounds for institutionalization.

He says his shrink thinks he is still in denial, but he thinks his shrink is just full of psychobabble crap. His Mom and Dad are convinced of the voodoo science of psychology and psychiatry; Mr. Baraan believes its a pseudoscience crap, but has to go see his shrink every session because his shrink requires it. Or maybe it’s just a way for his shrink to see him all the time because she loves him. But Francis has got to because he fears being disinherited by his parents if he doesn’t remain sane. C’est la vie. Poor chap.


Disclaimer No. 2: This is a blog for readers (and fans, agents, and publishers) who appreciate the inconsistencies, incoherence, and character flaws of a manic-depressive–of the human condition and psyche — fragmented, delicate, and most importantly, a picture of extreme walking contradictions. If you’re not that kind of reader, he says you should just read tabloid junk, and lowbrow literature (if they can be called literature at all) such as gossip-rag celebrity magazines and anything that falls under that genre. Otherwise, you may read his Pulitzer- and Nobel-Prize winning literature of a blog everyday.

Disclaimer No. 3: He is a genius artist and is intellectually and socially superior to the entire human race. He hates anyone who contradicts him. Welcome to his world.

Disclaimer No. 4: This is a work of fiction. Well, not entirely.


Pathological Liar


P.S. Here’s The TRUTH:

Myth: I hate my shrink.

Fact: I actually love my shrink. She’s like my second mother. She helps me with my issues and makes sure that I take my medications so I can live a healthy and “normal” life. I just wanted to spice things up a bit in my bio to entertain readers.

Myth: I believe that psychiatry and psychology are pseudoscience crap.

Fact: Au contraire, I believe that psychology and psychiatry are the main reasons I am not in an asylum right now. My medications help mitigate the symptoms of my bipolar disorder.

Myth: I am socially and intellectually superior to everybody.

Fact: No, I am not. In fact, I am the most insecure and delusional person I know. I mask my inferiority complex with my  beguiling charm, braggadocio, mood swings, psuedo-intellectualism, and bodyguards. It works. Try it. I shall elaborate on this in my memoirs. I’ll tell you when it’s out so you can get a copy, read about someone who has been to a psychosocial rehabilitation center three times for bipolar disorder so you can feel better about yourself.

Myth: I am a pathological liar.

Fact: No, not really. The truth is I don’t have a filter. I think most bipolar people are way too honest, and sometimes they are bordering on rude, thoughtless, inappropriate and tactless. My shrink’s words, not mine. Bollocks. She told told I’m too honest for my own good. Watch “Silver Linings Playbook.” You’ll see what I mean. I am of the opinion that writers should only edit their words, not their thoughts and feelings. As far as I’m concerned, my opinion is always better than yours. And one of my friends has body dysmorphic disorder (BDM). I told her she’s obese in front of everybody, but told me that she’s only overweight. I told her she’s in denial. She didn’t talk to me for a month. But I love her just the way she is. Okay, I’ll shut my mouth now.

Myth: I swear a lot and use the “f” word most of the time.

Fact: Everybody has a temper. I know when to use mine. In fact, I don’t like swearing at all. I only use the “f” word when I need to use it for writing to achieve the effect I want — or when I am in bed with someone, when I am angry in bed with someone, or when I want to go bed someone.

Myth: I am a pathological liar.

Fact: I want to be a good novelist. There’s the understatement of the century. Ha ha. To be a fiction writer, one must be able to tell convincing lies and stories. Anyone who would like to be regarded as a good storyteller must be able to infuse reality and fantasy seamlessly. I wrote the “work of fiction” above in an attempt to amuse you, the reader. I hope I succeeded in doing that — in amusing you.

Myth: Everything I told was fictitious.

Fact: Everything I said in this “About Francis and This Blog” post is true save for the half-truths and fabricated lies I pointed out explicitly in writing. Well, duh.

Myth: The photo above is the real me.

Fact: Technically, it is me. It was taken last November 2012. I gained 15 pounds last December. I blame it on the people who are only generous during the holidays. Why can’t they just spread their gifts of food, alcohol, ham, chocolates, and cookies, evenly throughout the entire year so people won’t get fat every Christmastime? Such hypocrites. They just want Santa to think they’ve been good kids so they can get all the goodies. Bonkers.



I, Francis Martin Beltran Baraan IV, Chairman & CEO of the Baraan Group of companies (L&D Homes; G&B Corp.; F&F Capital), property developer; true blue bibliophile-book collector; shih tzu lover; obsessive-compulsive thinker, reader, and writer; antique, art, and lamps collector; literary blogger; car enthusiast; interior design, film, and architecture buff; foodie; narcissistic, delusional, insecure, and quasi-British aristocrat and would-be bestselling author and Pulitzer and Nobel Prize for Literature Awardee, do hereby solemnly swear that everything I said were the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (except for the ones I specified as products of my chemically imbalanced imagination), so help me God.


Mr. Francis Martin Beltran Baraan IV, CEO, M.D.; MBA, PhD, STD, DuH


  1. redheadedstitcher says:

    Thanks for the follow your love is much appreciated!

  2. feralbulb says:

    At last! Where were you all this time, Mr Francis? Finally someone with mental disorders and flaws I can compete with. Thank you for following me blog. Yours definitely inspires me sister Rosie and me and we shall return the favour. Absolutely. We love you. We hate you. And everything in between. God bless.

    • Thank you for following back, Feral. Appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. Glad to know there’s someone as mental as me here. Looking forward to reading your posts, too. I love you. I hate you. Haha. God bless. =)

  3. Jasper says:

    This is too funny, I really love your writing style. I’ve read your other posts and I adore you already. I can’t wait to read more of your work! Cheers.

  4. katmwehr says:

    I’m pretty jealous of the idea of a home library. One day, maybe! Thanks for following my blog! Hope you stop by again soon.

  5. Jim Kane says:

    Thanks for like and the follow! Read on my fellow blogger and reader!

  6. Sonu Duggal says:

    Hi, thank you the visit and following my blog.

  7. Thanks for reading and deciding to follow my blog – a pathological liar hmmm – well then that could mean you are telling the truth when you say you lie couldn’t it? a conundrum…

    • Haha. I know what you mean. I realize it really does pose a conundrum for anyone reading who doesn’t know the real me. And it could mean that I’m telling the truth even when I say I’m lying. But this post is the only exception. I assure you that I shall be posting only the truth in my blog after this. I shall update this “About Francis and This Blog” post today to reflect the truth about me and this blog. Cheers! =)

  8. jennymiller62 says:

    so i read your about page and i have to say you have a hillarious sense of humor :), oh, and thank you for following my blog

  9. BlogSothoth says:

    Thanks for following my blog. It’s a pleasure to read yours as well. I have visited the Philippines and it’s a really amazing place. I also know many amazing Filipinos and Filipinas–friends, colleagues, students, and family members (including my wife, who was born here in the U.S.A but whose parents came here from the Philippines 41 years ago).

  10. drybredquips says:

    Thanks very much for liking “the chase” and for following my blog. I appreciate your support, wish you the very best in your writing, and envy your home library.

  11. Linda Joyce says:


    When I took Japanese in college, several of my classmates were from the Phillipines. While I’ve never visited there, my sister has and I have many beautiful things, compliments of her good taste.

    I chuckled when I read: do hereby solemnly swear that everything I said were the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (except for the ones I specified as products of my chemically imbalanced imagination), so help me God.

    I guess after the entertaining info page about you, you never really mentioned whether or not you believe in God. (It’s not an issue for me…) Which could mean that everyting you wrote is all tongue-in-cheek. 🙂

    Do you have a favorite book. That book that you’ve read over and over?


    Linda Joyce

  12. Coming from an”About Page” O’phile, this is one of the best I have seen in a long time. Thank you.

  13. writeonthebeach says:

    Love your sense of humour…omg…you were serious after all!!! Thanks for following my blog – I@m looking forward immensely to reading your unborn novel with no-name. 🙂

  14. Sandy Sue says:

    Francis, thans so much for visiting my site and deciding to follow along. We mentally interesting must stick together.

  15. Kris says:

    Hello, Francis, and Well Met! I spied your “like” earlier today at work and read this charming “About” page. So pleased to have connected, as a lover of books and a fellow bipolar I shall be following your blog with interest! Peace 🙂

  16. I’ve fallen in love with the rooms you use as a backdrop so will probably visit often to drool over them.
    I’m looking forward to the hatching of your little oeuvre…are you conceptualising still or have pen and paper lost all inhibitions and tango’ed until dawn? Would you give us a little taste of the great work fermenting wihtin the grey matter? Perhaps an idea of the genre if it deigns to be so commercial or will it be storming those boundaries as well?
    A quirky salute seems in order but I don’t have an emoticon for that.

  17. Francis, thanks for liking my post. I love the libraries in your backdrop. Good luck with the writing!

  18. Thank you Francis. I’m new to this process. I have enjoyed your blog. Bravo!

  19. sarahcradit says:

    Thank you for the follow 🙂 I love your blog, and look forward to getting to know each other through our blogs!

  20. angelicreader says:

    Should this be what your writing is like, I am signing up as your #1 fan.

    Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for following. I return said favour and nothing pleases me more 🙂

  21. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. Thanks for brightening up my day!

  22. Ellers says:

    Thanks for following! I’m enjoying your blog also. 🙂

  23. ROFLMAO. I look forward to seeing more updates from you.

  24. Mel says:

    Your blog is beautiful!

  25. Thanks for stopping by and liking my post. I hope you’ll come back–I try to post lots of useful content on my blog and my Facebook page. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  26. kbeck13 says:

    Thanks for the follow! You have an amazing blog here! And though I don’t share bipolar with you I do have narcolepsy which is interesting, and I do share a love of books with you. Alas, I haven’t read as many as you have nor do I have the talent for reviewing that you have. But I will persevere, and try to catch up.

  27. Ky Grabowski says:

    Hello 😀

    Thank you for taking the time to venture onto my blog, read and even follow! Your blog is so interesting and well put together, awesome job! I have enjoyed reading what I have so far! I look forward to reading more. Hope all is well.

    Cheers 🙂

  28. rachelxsarah says:

    Thank you so much for following me! Your bio is thoroughly entertaining, and I look forward to reading more of it. In fact, this just inspired me to write my next post. I will even dedicate it to you and all your wonderful madness.

  29. lpaigewrites says:

    I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award. Congrats from me 🙂

  30. indytony says:

    I am grateful, Francis, that you were led to follow my blog – “A Way With Words”. I will be following your work as well.

    As someone who has battled Bipolar for almost 30 years, I encourage you to seek the best help available – spiritual, psychological, medical, and relational. It is a long, hard road – but God is in control.

  31. maryamkh97 says:

    Thanks for the follow and like. Your blog looks great and is great. 🙂

  32. I'mAllBooked says:

    Thanks for following my blog. I hope you find some helpful articles and book recommendations there! Blessings!

  33. RituKT says:

    Hi, Thanks for following my blog ‘Beyond Beauty Tips’.
    I came here to invite you personally to ‘Things To Rave About’ ( which is just my old blog at a new address.
    Hoping to see you there. Thanks!

  34. sweety says:

    very funny 😀 For a minute i believed the first part.. 😛
    Thanks for following me..

  35. 90vinitablog says:

    Thanks for the follow. I really appreciate it . Keep up your good work

  36. Thank you for following my blog. Yours is VERY interesting and very creative!

  37. Rebekah Brown says:

    Thanks for the follow! I’m enjoying your blog 🙂

  38. You write beautifully and with great honesty and I greatly admire that about you. You hold the reader spellbound with the sincerity of your words and that is rare talent as we all know. I wish you would read my work and comment on it if inclined. It is written completely in verse, this story of the awakening of a spent nation (India) at Am following you. I wish you all the best and know that you will be absolutely well soon. Warm regards

  39. glorialana says:

    Hello! Enjoy the nomination for the Bouquet of Awards! Have a nice day!

  40. jgalicante says:

    Hi Francis, how are you? I never knew you achieved those titles after your name, hehe. Enjoy 🙂

  41. […] them (the bottled worder,  Daily (W)rite,  thebookofalice, writings of a Mrs, Gabriel Locatero, Francis Barann, Sophie Bowns and a few others and it’s heartening reading about other people’s writing […]

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